Hamro Safar assists users to search for travel related services and products such as Flights, Hotels, Tour packages, Car rental, Travel insurance, Hotel, Heli booking etc. Travel vendors shall be allowed to sell their product only after all the requirements are completed and confirmed by the company. 

The fares and prices are guaranteed only after the booking is confirmed. 

Hamro Safar is not responsible, liable or subject to compensate for any damage, losses or expenses caused due to inappropriate handling of bookings, Visa issue, country restriction and any other cases or activities that arise due to users action, which lead to disruption of their travel and services.

Information provided by users and vendors should be correct and should be supported with valid legal documents issued by the government. 

Violation of any law, rules and regulation, suspicious false and fraud activity and information will lead to cancellation and termination of service and is subject to necessary legal action.

Hamro Safar reserves the right to cancel bookings where payment is not duly done and also reserves the right to claim the amount that is charged by the airlines and other vendors during the  transaction period, if it occurs due to technical error or any other reason.

During the payment process, the user is responsible and liable to bear all the additional charges and fees imposed by bank and credit card companies like international transaction fee, currency conversion fee, credit card charges etc. 

Refund and Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation of confirmed booking can be made only through contacting Customer service, and the refund amount shall be subject to the airlines, hotels and respective vendors regulations. 

Confirmed bookings that are canceled due to vendors shall be subject to full refund. 

Refund amount shall not be returned in the form of cash and shall be returned directly to the customers bank account or in the form of credit for future bookings. 

Privacy Policy:

All the personal information and data that has been collected by Hamro Safar will be shared only within our travel partners, vendors and third-parties who are directly associated with providing, performing and facilitating the services requested.

Details of Information we collect: 

Personal and Contact details such as Name, email address, phone/mobile, Home & Business Address.

Travel supporting documents such as Passport, Citizenship, Driving license and other government related identification, documents and paper.

Billing and payment information such as card number, expiration date and billing address.

Company account details and information such as Bank statement, Company Registration Certificate, Pan No, Vat No, Yearly balance statement.

Your image/photo identification and social media account ID.